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Diesel additive

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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details
规  格:10ml*4(盒)\50ml\200ml\500ml型  号:XH-101C数  量:
品  牌:辛巴达包  装:价  格:电议

The oil pump is protected to completely remove the carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, enhance the power, save fuel, clean the oil circuit, reduce the viscosity, reduce pollutant emissions, and save energy.

The selling point of our products: enhanced power, stronger cleaning and lubricant pump effect!

Tips: The fuel saving rate is about 8%. When the vehicle is just used, the fuel saving rate is not obvious. It can save about 10 yuan of fuel. The longer the time is, the more obvious the fuel saving rate can be, and the fuel can be saved up to 20 yuan. The customer is equivalent to spending only a few dollars.


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