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Coupling therapeutic apparatus

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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details

Product introduction:

Size: 590x490x1315 (mm)

The coupling treatment instrument (Medical Edition) has to clear the meridians, improve microcirculation and regulate the immune function, to remove the pain, health function, waist, neck, blanket, knee, vest, pants type and other accessories can use the standard to meet the needs of different customers. At the same time, it has more integrated mobile design, 8 ports output at the same time, PC centralized control, rich information recording, suitable for many people to use at the same time, so it is more suitable for medical units and health institutions.

Product advantages:

- relieve and eliminate pain such as neck, waist, abdominal pain and so on.

- the conditioning and rehabilitation of chronic diseases, such as chronic gastroenteritis, etc.

- regulating immunity and improving subhealth, such as preventing the occurrence of cold and other chronic diseases.

- improve microcirculation, such as limb cold, cold and so on.

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