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Wire Skeleton plastic (polyethylene) composite pipe, pipe fittings

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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details

Connection Method

  SRTP Pipes connect in many ways, the most common ways are melt fused connection and flanged joint. Melt fused connection is to insert the pipe into the melt fused connection fittings, electrify the heating wire in the fitting to make it heat. Soon the inner surface of the fitting begins to melt, and it expands to fill the gaps between the pipe and fitting, later the outer surface melts and the two fuse together, at last they cool down to a whole body of pipe and fitting.

  Melt Fused Connection

  Flanged Joint

  Electric-melt equal diameter fitting

  Electric-melt 90° elbow

  Electric-melt 45°elbow

  Electric-melt reducing fitting

  Electric-melt reducing tee

  Electric-melt flange

  Electric-melt equal tee



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