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Nitrate yamanashi ester aerosol

Product number: 201711281641015671
Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details


Drug name: different yamanashi nitrate ester aerosol
Active pharmaceutical ingredients, preparation formulations: aerosol
Specification: containing different yamanashi nitrate ester liquid medicine bottle weight 12.5 g 0.125 g
Indications: for the prevention and treatment of various coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, especially suitable for medium and severe angina.When there is mental stress, burnout factors induce angina or aura symptoms, early use of this product can prevent heart attacks.
Usage and dosage: use, first opened the bottle cap, the injection valve in upper part, medicine bottles, vertical pressure injection valve can be used after several times to spray evenly.But if stop using for a long time, it can be used only need to press the valve to spray evenly.Aim the spray nozzle mouth when using, press 4 press, can achieve effective dose of 2.5 mg.
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