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Multi-stage condensing industrial steam turbines STN6001

Product number: 201801221421404243
Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details

This type of turbine is featured by high precision and high efficiency. It is easy to operate and maintain, with good safety performance; the speed system adopts full hydraulic or electro-hydraulic controls, with low diversity factor of stability regulating speed. If the electro-hydraulic adjustment is used, it is possible to achieve zero difference adjustment, which is convenient for realizing joint control with DCS. The products can be used for both power generation and dragging such equipment as large pumps, compressors, blowers and so on, with good energy saving effects. The products are widely used in the petrochemical, thermal power, iron and steel, paper, cement and other industries.

Inlet Pressure
Inlet Temperature
Outlet Pressure
Inlet Pressure
Rotating Speed
STN6001250-60001.1-3.43240-435  5600-12000
STN10013000-60001.1-3.43240-435  3000

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