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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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A tower is a device that is used to perform physical processes such as separation or absorption, and to change the composition of a complex mixture of gases or liquids. Also known as "tower equipment." Its height is larger than the diameter, and there are certain accessories inside and outside the tower. The internals are used to bring the gas and liquid in the material, the gas and the solid, the liquid and the liquid or the liquid into close contact with the solid, and the surface is continuously updated to complete the process of mass transfer (generally accompanied by heat transfer).

Tower equipment is one of the important equipments in the production of fine chemicals, petrochemicals and oil refining. It can make gas (or vapor) liquid or liquid-liquid two-phase close contact, achieving the purpose of mass transfer and heat transfer.Xinyuan Chemical has rich experience in the design and manufacture of unit operating equipment such as absorption, rectification, desorption and extraction, and can undertake the design, manufacture and installation of various large and medium-sized towers.


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