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Thai Bao Jin Jude

Product number: 201712210921335031
Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Zibo
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Product Details

Gold Jude is the world's first large number of alkaline water-soluble fertilizer, the use of patented ammonium polyphosphate chelation medium and small trace elements, In particular, add polyglutamic acid, improve fertilizer efficiency of more than 50%, an increase of more than 30%, with a comprehensive and balanced nutrition effect, is a new multi-functional water-soluble fertilizer.

1-  It has a good improvement on the acidic soils in the southern acid soils and in the economic crops in northern China.

2- Polyglutamic acid extracted from the patented strain fermentation broth is a natural plant growth regulator, fertilizer synergist, soil water retention agent, soil improver, heavy metal adsorbent, can effectively improve fertilizer utilization, improve crop quality.

3- High nutrient content, appropriate proportion, good water solubility, chemical stability, can be quickly absorbed by the crop, a comprehensive and sustainable supply of nutrients.

4- Promote crop germination, flowering, fruit, fruit enlargement and reduce the effect of falling flowers, make the plant robust, Leaf hypertrophy, dark green, Department of developed, increased capillary root.

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