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PERT pipe

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Place of Origin: China - Shandong - Jinan
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Product Details

PERT pipe: PE-RT pipe, that is, heat-resistant polyethylene (PERT) pipe, which is made of medium density (mdpe) polyethylene and octene. The English abbreviation "Polyethylene of raised temperature resistance pipe" is a kind of use. Non-crosslinked polyethylene pipes in hot water have also been highlighted by their non-crosslinking properties, called "high temperature resistant non-crosslinked polyethylene pipes". PERT pipe is a medium density polyethylene produced by special molecular design and synthesis process. It uses ethylene and octene copolymerization method to improve PE pipe by controlling the number and distribution of side chains to obtain unique molecular structure. The heat resistance of the PE tube is 60°. Due to the presence of short-chain branches of octene, the macromolecules of PE cannot crystallize in a platelet crystal, but penetrate through several crystals, forming a bond between crystals, which retains the good flexibility of the PE tube. High thermal conductivity and inertness, while making it more pressure resistant, can be used for hot water delivery below 60 °C for a long time. It retains the good flexibility and inertness of PE, and is resistant to low temperature (-40 ° C), good impact resistance, pressure resistance, non-toxic, odorless, non-polluting, environmentally friendly and recyclable. The PE-RT tube can be hot-melt connected for easy installation and maintenance.


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